FAQ en
What exactly is THE JOURNEY?
THE JOURNEY is an inner journey to the consciousness of the cells, which helps to release blockages, traumas or buried experiences in a very light, caring, respectful and even playful way.
Who is THE JOURNEY for?
THE JOURNEY is for everybody – grown-ups (no age limit) and children (from 5 years old).
What literature is there?
Brandon Bays, the founder of THE JOURNEY, has written various books and released DVDs. See INFO-material for more details.
Where can I find a Journey Practitioner in my area?
The list of accredited Journey Practitioners Switzerland can be found here…
For a list of European and worldwide practitioners: www.thejourney.com
How long does a session take?
A session can take anywhere between 1 1/2 – 2 hours. Sometimes a bit longer or shorter, depending on the moment and the individual (issue).
How many sessions will I need? What do you recommend?
The number of sessions depends on the issue and the progress of each Journey-process. It is recommended to have three sessions for deep results. However, we suggest that the best approach is to talk to a Journey Practitioner of your choice and discuss the options with them. There are some English-speaking Journey Practitioners.
How much is a session?
For relevant rates per hour please see the homepage or ask for a personal call/conversation with a Journey Practitioner of your choice. The rates may vary slightly, depending on the additional training or experience of each Journey Practitioner.
Where can I receive training in THE JOURNEY?
The foundation course is the two day Journey Intensive Seminar. Dates see here….
Following the Journey Intensive, there are a series of seminars, a total of seven modules. Most of the seminars take place in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands (worldwide schedule also available).
Further Information about the Journey-Practitioner-Training
Should you envision an official accreditation from Brandon Bays, you would then have to complete -48- case studies and submit them to THE JOURNEY offices in the UK for assessment.
Is THE JOURNEY linked to a certain belief?
No, THE JOURNEY is open to any belief, is free of any religion and is not a sect. THE JOURNEY is consciousness work suitable for all people, from all walks of life.
Do I need to pay attention to anything when I go to a session?
Please ensure that you allow enough time for the session. This includes time after your session for the important integration of your process. We recommend that you honour your process and yourself by ensuring that you rest after your session.
Are there any specific reactions after a session?
This varies from person to person. It may happen, that the body releases toxins as a self-healing process is under way. You may or may not experience headaches or physical aches in the body. Therefore it is advisable to drink plenty of still water before and following your session. In addition, other emotions may surface, you may dream more than usual and/or old memories may arise as a result of the process. These are normal reactions however should you have any concerns please feel free to discuss these with your Journey Practitioner.
Are Journey sessions paid for by health insurance?
No. At the moment sessions ar not refunded by any health insurances.
Can I do a Journey process for myself after a session?
It is possible to do a Journey-process yourself on your own. There are instructions in the book «THE JOURNEY – A Practical Guide to Healing your Life and Setting Yourself Free» (the expanded and revised edition, published 2012, is recommended.)
However, since our mind often likes to be in control, it is sometimes easier and more beneficial to have a process facilitated by a Journey Practitioner. Certain parts of the Journey-work can easily be integrated into your daily life – for example, becoming more aware of your body and your emotions and allowing yourself to be present to these.